lunes, 13 de abril de 2009


"You could save me but you won't even try."

es el ultimo...supongo...
asi q no va a ser cualquier cosa...


no es que lo haya decidido, solo se me ocurrio la idea...
y bueno, usds, just do it.

bueno supongo entonces que si va aser cualquier cosa.... :P

no, 108 no es una opcion lo siento. :P

Es dificil salir digamos de, un lugar en el que me siento comodo, es dificil, pasarla bn en un lugar ajeno a mi, donde las cosas simplemente no estan hechas para que yo las disfrute.

Es sin embargo, mas dificil aun tratar de salir de un lugar en el que no quiero estar, y no poder hacerlo, hoy pude, sin esfuerzo, bueno, todo el esfuerzo lo hizo por mi Hudson...

(damnit...porq me meto tanto en esos videos?, ya no mas empatia carajo!
jajaja bueno eso so no se puede lo siento)

de mis vacasiones en la isla de lost, definitivamente lo unico que puedo salvar, es haberme encontrado con pedazote de pelicula, Numb, protagonista, Matthew Perry....genero, drama psicologico (depronto) dificil decirlo, no soy bueno para taggear peliculas, lo siento.

en fin....esteee...
se me olvido por completo que era lo que iba a escribir, y la inspiracion se me fue no por algo malo, sino por distraido, es un problema serio desps de todo, el punto es que, es mejor dejar pasar las cosas a veces, pero hay que ser concientes de que estamos dejando pasar.

En el caso de Hudson, el jodio todas las cosas que iban bien, sin embargo fue ftw de su "sanidad mental" podria decirse.

En mi caso, es algo completamente diferente, no tengo nada que joder, y sin embargo tengo que joderlo todo, ftw de la misma espero que me entiendan, igual si no lo hacen me preguntan..XD

Y me sentia identificado con el de high fidelity... pff, definitivamente esto si que cambia mi forma de ver las cosas; y tal vez, si sea la solucion dejar de ser tan pesimista, no me gusta esa solucion sin embargo, me gusta ser pesimista, y no quiero que me saquen de ahi, es mi sanctuary, y asi se vea como algo desagradable para los demas, no me importa.

me sali un poco, lo siento.... ya no voy a ir al punto, eso no es posible de hacer en este momento, tengo severo revuelto digno de una conversacion con anonimoinc,..xD..asi que no hay nada mas que decir.

bueno, depronto, lo unico que valga la pena decir, es que por fin, despues de mucho tiempo, hoy fue un bn dia, y posiblemente marque el comienzo de varios mas...

todo depende de mi desps de todo...

aish, pero no quiero la verdad... con que sean normales estaria todo bien :)

Adios mis queridos lectores, que a pesar que eran pocos, supongo y espero que se hayan divertido con estas cosas que escribi que en la mayoria de los casos carecian de sentido o q por otro lado no eran aptas para el entendimiento de usds (no por brutos ni nada de eso, sino porq son cosas asi como que solo me entiendo yo...

...Vite) xD

adios mi querido blog! y gracias por acompañarme y dejarme envenenarte de escritos que nadie va a leer, pero que tenia que sacar sino me enloquecia!!!!





domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Chihiro's Tale

"Love is better unmedicated. "

The girl is only one in the world
That made her the god of this world

She found herself on an Island when
she began to understand things around her

There Was a mansion on the island
Which was connected to an old castle by a passageway

She did not know why for what purpose those structures,
which completely seemed to be unfit in the enviroment,
were built there

She did not need to know why.
And besides, the girl never wondered why because she had been there before she realized

There was a huge amount of
preserved foods and daily necessities
Inside the warehouse of the castle,
So she did not have to starve
(although she was hungry
until She realized these were eatable)
but She almost died in several times because of sickness and injuries.
In most cases, she almost got killed herself by eating either spoiled food
or plants and inorganic things around her.

She used the mansion as a residential area,
and almost never set her foot in the old castle

There was no particular reason to draw a line between the two structures.

Something mysterious Happened.
It was the day after she repainted all of her paintings, hundreds in number.
The two in those paintings had moved.

But it did not startle the girl, because she had no idea of asking herself wheter it was abnormal or not.
From the beginning she was trying to make humans " Did It Work?"

The god looked inside the miniature garden. She Looked closely at the paintings.
The two humans in the paintings seemed to be having fun, laughing at each other.

But the paintings were blurry. the world itself seemed blurry.

Why?, the girl thought.
a Strange feeling crossed her mind
She couldn't tell what it was.
she asked herself, why the paintings had become so blurry when she painted them clearly,

The two humans in the paintings seemed to be having fun, laughing at each other.

That was what she thought.

She Painted them again, but nothing, they kept getting blurry.
she painted them again, but the resuklt was the same. She felt lost.

she thought everything had become insecure for her.

The girl is only one in the world
That made her the god of this world
So she thought her world needed to be more pure

And So... She put all of her paintings into the fire
She also burnt the whole castle, and the mansion.

whithin all the structures, she made her memories into ashes.
and finally, the god threw all the litter that was left in the world,
the only rubbish that was left in the world, from the cliff...

Es la "novela" que se cuenta en la serie EF-A tale of memories, claro que, como no esta completa literalmente como se supone q la escribio chihiro, psss, tuve q hacerle una pequeña adaptacion al final... mmm, no lo cambie, para nada, solo que, no estaba en ingles, so...tuve q traducirlo....